Monday, June 29, 2015

Two Toed Sloth

As its name implies, have only two toes on their front paws, although, like other sloths have three toes on the hind legs. They are also three-toed sloths. The mother gives birth to a young, while hanging upside down. Two-toed sloths spend most of their lives upside down in the trees. She can not walk, so they prefer to hand to hand, which is extremely slow in one. As primarily nocturnal, is her hair, which grows to mix green algae, their main source of protection depends on the temperature of your body at least partially on the ambient temperature, can not keep warm shake, do as others metabolic rate of mammals because of its exceptionally low power and reduced. 

 Depending on the cycle of excretion lazy weighed urine and faeces to 30 percent of the body weight of the animal, which is about 6 kg (about 13 pounds). They have small teeth, incisors or canines constantly growing and not true total lack of homology with other mammalian dental formula.

Rhesus Macaque

The rhesus macaque is brown or gray and has a pink face, which is hairless. Its tail is of medium length and average between 20.7 and 22.9 cm (8.1 to 9.0 inches). Adult males measure about 53 cm (21 inches) on average and weigh about 7.7 kg (17 lbs). The females are smaller, with an average of 47 cm (19 inches) long and 5.3 kg (12 lbs). Rhesus macaques have an average of 50 vertebrae. The rhesus macaque has 32 teeth with a dental formula bilophodont molars. The lower molars also have four cusps: metaconid, protoconid, hypoconid and entoconid. Rhesus monkeys are native to northern India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Afghanistan, Vietnam, southern China and neighboring regions. They have the widest geographic distribution of a non-human primate, occupying a wide range of altitudes throughout Central, South and South-East Asia.

Broadening the range of rhesus macaque a natural process in some regions and a direct consequence of the introduction by humans in other regions has serious implications for the declining populations of endemic and bonnet macaques in southern India Rhesus monkeys are diurnal and arboreal and terrestrial time. During the monsoon season, which derive much of their water from fruits ripe and juicy. Macaques who live far from water sources lick the dew from the leaves and drink the rain water accumulated in tree holes. Drink water when they feed and congregate around streams and rivers. Rhesus monkeys are specialized pockets like the cheeks, which allows them to accumulate temporarily foods.

 Rhesus macaques interact with a variety of vocalizations and body postures and facial expressive gestures. Perhaps the most common expression of the face makes Java is the "silent bared teeth" face. During the movements, macaques will "tuba" and "grunts". When foods are rarely high quality macaques makes "chirping", "harmonic arches" or "correction." When at risk, macaques emits a high-pitched sound which he called "sour bark." "Oops", "cry", "twitter", "pants-threats," "growls" and "bark" are used in aggressive interactions. Babies "gecker" to attract the attention of his mother. Adult male macaques seek to maximize their reproductive success by taking wife couples with women, both inside and outside of the breeding season. The females prefer to mate with males that increase the survival of their offspring. So a man marries provides resources for girls and protects them from predators.

Male rhesus macaques were observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, but suffer more injuries during the mating season. Male macaques generally play no part in rearing the young, but they have peaceful relations with their children, couples wife. Mothers with one or more immature girls, and their children are in contact with the younger children of those who have immature older girls and mothers can pass the responsibility of raising their daughters. Children farther from the center of the most vulnerable groups outside infanticide. Some mothers abuse their children, which is supposed to be the result of controlling parenting styles.


The higher is the marmot Sciuridae in its geographical area, usually 40-65 cm (16-26 inches) long (including 15 cm (6 inches) from the tail) and weighing 2 to 4 kg (4-9 lb). In regions with less natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Adapted to the temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense gray long coat and a bunch of guard hairs that gives the groundhog its distinctive "frozen".

In regions with less natural predators and large amounts of alfalfa, groundhogs can grow to 80 cm (30 inches) and 14 kg (31 lbs). Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Adapted to the temperate habitat, groundhogs are covered with two layers of fur: a dense gray long coat and a bunch of guard hairs that gives the groundhog its distinctive "frozen".

Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short limbs, yet powerful curved claws thick. Groundhogs are excellent burrowers, with burrows for sleeping, rearing young, and hibernating. The average groundhog has been estimated to move approximately 1 m3 (35 cubic feet) or 320 kg (710 lb) ground by digging a burrow. Although groundhogs are the most solitary of the marmots, several individuals may occupy the same burrow. Groundhog burrows usually have 2-5 inputs, providing groundhogs principal means of escape from predators. Groundhogs are one of the few species that enter into true hibernation, and often build a "winter burrow" for this purpose separate.

Groundhogs are most of the time during the day. Groundhogs may squeal when fighting, seriously injured or captured by the enemy. Others sounds groundhogs may make are low barks and a sound produced by the grinding of teeth when groundhogs are frightened, the hairs of the tail support, giving the tail looks like a hair brush The breeding season runs from early March to mid or late April, after hibernation. Litter is produced annually, usually containing 5:58-blind, hairless and helpless young. Marmot young are weaned and ready to seek their own burrow 5-6 weeks of age. The groundhog prefers open country and the edges of forests, and rarely far from a burrow entrance. 

Groundhogs are often hunted for sport, which tends to control their numbers. Marmots bred in captivity can be socialized relatively easily, but their aggressive nature can pose problems. Doug Schwartz, a zookeeper and groundhog trainer Staten Island Zoo, was quoted as saying. United States and Canada, the annual Groundhog Day gave the recognition and popularity of the marmot, like in the movie of the same name. The best known of these groundhogs are Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil, well maintained, as part of celebrations of Groundhog Day in Wiarton, Ontario and Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, respectively. A marmot famous south, General Beauregard Lee, is based on the Yellow River Game Ranch outside Atlanta, Georgia. 

Marmots are used in medical research on liver cancer induced hepatitis B. Marmot burrows have been known to be at least one archaeological site, the site Ufferman in the state of Ohio, United States Although archaeologists have excavated the Ufferman site, many objects were found through activities local marmots. 

Queen Angelfish

The color adult queen angelfish overall body color can be blue to blue-green with yellow wheels described in its scales. Queen Angelfish is also known to have blue markings around each gill cover. Young people have dark blue bodies with yellow lips, gills and tail and vertical bars ranging in color from blue to white. The colors of young fish to help them integrate into the reef. Queen Angelfish are about three and a half kilos. 

The queen angelfish feeds primarily on sponges, but also feeds on jellyfish, tunicates and corals and plankton and algae. Young people serve as "cleaners" and feed on the parasites of larger fish at cleaning stations. Despite having in home aquariums, aquarium made for the queen angelfish diet of meaty foods and algae queen angels inhabit the reef base and are often located near the Florida Keys and Florida in particular, the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico. 

Pairs reproduce by rising water, the wombs. Freely anywhere from 25 to 75 thousand eggs each night and up to 10 million eggs per reproductive cycle Eggs are transparent, dynamic and pelagic, floating in the water column. The size of the yolk sac is absorbed after 48 hours, during which the larvae develop normal characteristics of free swimming fish. Larvae are in the water column and feed plankton. The queen angelfish harass other fish without discrimination, in particular, the new additions to the aquarium.

Tawny Owl

The Tawny Owl is a robust bird, 37-46 cm (15-18 inches) long, with a 80-105 cm (32-41 in) wingspan. The big round head lacking ear tufts and facial disk surrounding dark brown eyes usually quite obvious. The race morph two names that differ in the color of its plumage, a form of rufous brown back and the other brown, although intermediates occur. The owl flies with long glides on rounded wings, less hilly and flutters unless other owls Eurasia, and usually at higher elevations. Like most owls, is let her escape because soft their primary feathers, furry and bumps on the leading edge of the outer primaries of the size, shape and broad wings chubby distinguish it from other owls in their scope, are gray Grande, Eagle and Ural owls are similar in shape, but much larger. An owl eyes are positioned in front of the head and have an overlapping range of 50-70%, which makes it better daylight binocular vision (30-50% coverage). 

The experimental basis for this statement is probably wrong, at least a factor of 10 Owl actual visual acuity is only slightly greater than that of the human, and any increase in sensitivity due to optical factors that large retinal sensitivity and human owl, the resolution limit of the terrestrial vertebrate retina Adjustments night vision, including the size of the eye of the tube shape, a large number of closely packed rods of the retina, and an absence of cone cells are superior rod cells because photosensitivity. In contrast to birds of prey, owls is usually only a foveal daily, and that undeveloped except diurnal hunters like the short-eared owl. Hearing is important for a nocturnal bird of prey, and like other owls, tawny differ in structure and two ear openings are asymmetrically positioned improve directional hearing. The opening of the left ear is better higher in the head of the right ear and down steep inclines sensitivity to sounds below. 

To hear the most common contact call is a shrill, kew-wick, but the male has a vibrant advertising song hoo ho, ho, hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. William Shakespeare used this song owl Lost Love's Labour (Act 5, Scene 2) as a "night owl looking Utter, tu-whit, tu-, a cheerful note, while Joan doth greasy keel the pot" is, but this stereotype actually a duet with his wife kew-wick sound, and the male responding hooo. A man meets a broadcast song seems an indicator of his health and strength owls with high blood parasites consume less high frequencies and a limited number of frequencies in their responses to an apparent intruder. The tawny owl has. 

The tawny owl is a geographical reach of 10 million square kilometers (3.8 million square kilometers) and a large population, including an estimated 970,000 to 2,000,000 people in Europe alone. This species has., A large number of prisoners, especially forest rodents, but other mammals up to the size of a rabbit, birds, worms and bugs In urban areas, the birds are a large part of the diet, and species as unlikely as Mallard and Kittiwake killed and eaten. Forest owls less potent than the owl and the owl is not normally associated with strong red color, which can be taken as a food and in different habitats in Ireland, was the lack of Tawny owl to be dominant. Even if the owl has moved to urban areas, tends to suppress their breeding owls traditional buildings.


Anatomically, the wolverine is an animal strong and muscular. With short legs, broad, rounded head and small eyes with short rounded ears, it resembles a bear more than others martens. Although his legs are short to facilitate his long legs and five fingers plantigrade posture movement in deep snow.Adult wolverine is about the size of a medium sized dog, with a length usually ranging from 65 to 107 cm (26-42 inches), a tail 17 to 26 cm (6.7 to 10 inches) and weighing 9-25 kg (20-55 lb) but exceptionally large males can weigh up to 32 kg (71 lb). Wolverines have thick, dark, oily, which is highly hydrophobic, making it. The pungent odor has resulted in the nickname "skunk bear" and "nasty cat.

The wolverine is a predator hunting versatile and powerful treasure. Prey is mainly composed of small and large mammals listed wolverine kill prey such as adult deer are larger distance themselves feed on species such as porcupines, squirrels, marmots, beavers, rabbits, voles, mice, shrews, lemmings, caribou, deer, white-tailed deer, mule deer, sheep, moose and elk The smaller predators sometimes hunted, including marten, mink, fox, lynx, Canada, weasels, bobcats and coyotes and pups. Wolverines often pursue live prey, which is relatively easy to obtain, including animals in traps, newborn mammals and deer (including elk and moose adults) is weakened if caught by winter or immobilized by snow. Most of the support wolverine on carrion, which almost exclusively in winter and spring from. Wolverines end up eating carrion after the predator feeds (especially wolf packs) or just take another predator. That eating live prey or carrion, Wolverine style appears voracious feeding anything. 

Adaptation to food that is easy, especially in winter Armed with powerful jaws, sharp claws, and a thick skin, wolverines, like most mustelids, are very strong for their size. Death to defend themselves against predators larger or more numerous. At least you have a wolverine apparent attempt to steal £ 12 by the death of a black bear (adult males weigh 400-500 lb (180-230 kg). account Another polar bear of unknown age and weight down with a similar wolverine where the smaller, tenacious predator came first. Interestingly, while Wolves Wolverines dominated the competition a corpse, some wolves hunting Wolverines used and may, wolves such cases, a complete lack wolverine lead in a given area. Wolverines inhabiting the Old World (especially Fennoscandia) are active predators than their North American cousins. 

Often feed on carrion left by wolves, changes in the population of wolves may affect the population of wolverines. Wolverines also sometimes known to eat plants. Women often do not produce young if food is scarce. The gestation period is 30-50 days wolverine. Many cities, teams and organizations use the wolverine as a pet. For example, the State of Michigan is, by tradition, known as "The Wolverine State," and the University of Michigan wolverine as its mascot. The association is long established: for example, when many volunteers Detroit in the American Civil War and George Armstrong Custer, who led the Michigan Brigade, the fight against the Wolverines. Wolverines are, however, extremely rare in Michigan. Wolverine prominently in the mythology of eastern Quebec and Labrador Innu. 

Flying Snake

Chrysopelea also below their assigned common name "flying snakes" known. He slides his balance comb over his belly and slid against the rough bark of tree trunks, making up a tree. The combination of sucking in your stomach and make a lateral move to the curve in the air makes the snake can float in the air, which can save energy from the earth and terrestrial predators Dodge limited concave bearing surface that creates long journey suction snake flattens the stomach body to twice the width of the back of the head to the anal hole is near the end of the tail of the snake, making the cross section of the body of the snake resemble sectional through a cross Frisbee or flying saucer. 

When a flying disk revolutions in the air, resulting in increased projecting section concavity air pressure to the center of the disc, to raise the flying disc. A snake is continuously moved in lateral undulation for the same effect of increasing the air pressure below the arcuate body to create a slide. Flying snakes are able to glide better than flying squirrels and other gliding animals, despite the absence of limbs, wings, wing extensions or other, glide through the forest and jungle life with a distance as great as 100 m. There are five recognized species of flying snake, found in western India Indonesian archipelago. 

It is a bit poisonous snakes ", but its small and fixed rear teeth that make them dangerous to humans Golden tree snake or ornate flying snake, adorned Chrysopelea (Shaw, 1802) This result is the largest species of snake fly, up to four meters long. Although it is the golden tree snake, there are other colors, for example, tend to have a few steps toward the thin lime green pure yellow, while in India, the IT-orange red marks and small black bars back, rich colors almost paradise tree snake. Paradise tree snake, Paradisi Chrysopelea Boie and Boie, 1827 This species of flying snake fields of up to three meters long and is very popular in the pet trade in Europe. Their bodies are black, but covered with rich green scales. Tree Band snake or flying serpent, Chrysopelea Pelias (Linnaeus, 1758) Twin-Lock: This is the smallest species of flying snakes up to two meters long. Though small, it is certainly one of the rarest species of flying snakes in the range.